Thursday, August 27, 2020

Causas y consecuencias de negación de ingreso a USA

Causas y consecuencias de negaciã ³n de ingreso a USA Cada aã ±o millones de personas que llegan an un aeropuerto de EEUU u otro punto legitimate de entrada como fronteras terrestres o puertos. Ms de 200 mil se encuentran con el problema de que child devueltos al lugar del que vienen. Este es un problema que afecta tanto a los extranjeros que viajan con visa no inmigrante como a los que desean ingresar an Estados Unidos sin visado por pertenecer an un paã ­s del Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas o, incluso, con una tarjeta de residencia permanente.â Y es que los à ºnicos a los que no se le puede impedir el ingreso en los Estados Unidos es a los ciudadanos estadounidenses, quienes tienen que presentar un documento vlido que acredite esa condiciã ³n y permita el paso migratorio. En este artã ­culo se informa sobre cã ³mo es el control migratorio donde pueden surgir problemas, las razones ms comunes por las que se niega el ingreso a los Estados Unidos, cules child las consecuencias y una referencia an estadã ­sticas y a sistemas que permiten acelerar el paso migratorio. El control migratorio en los puntos de ingreso a los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos tiene un all out de 329 Puntos de Entrada, lo que se conoce por sus siglas en inglã ©s como POE y que child fronteras terrestres, puertos y aeropuertos con controles migratorios internacionales. El control consta de dos partes, primero, uno migratorio y, despuã ©s, otro pero de aduanas. Para el migratorio se forman dos filas, una exclusivamente para ciudadanos a los que pueden acompaã ±ar sus familiares inmediatos extranjeros, y otra para tasks los dems. En algunos casos es posible formar parte de programas que aceleran este paso, de lo cual se explica ms al last del artã ­culo. Como regla general, el control migratorio se demora entre 10 y 30 segundos. Es posible que se envã ­e an una persona a lo que se conoce como doble inspecciã ³n. No tiene que ser algo malo. Por ejemplo, todas las personas con advance parole pasan por esa situaciã ³n.â Sã ³lo despuã ©s de haber obtenido el OK migratorio se pasa a la inspecciã ³n aduanera. Y ya a partir de ahã ­ se ingresa a los Estados Unidos.â  ¿Por quã © child devueltos por inmigraciã ³n desde los aeropuertos u otros puestos fronterizos legales? Las razones child varias destacando: En el caso especã ­fico de los residentes permanentes, puede que se llegue a la conclusiã ³n de que no est residiendo en los Estados Unidos y ahã ­ pueden surgir muchos problemas. En tasks los dems casos, puede suceder que laâ visa se ha cancelado pero su nominal no lo sabe. En los casos del Programa de Exenciã ³n de visas si la persona ha estado previamente en USA y se ha excedido de los 90 dã ­as permitidos, ha perdido este privilegio y si viaja sin visa no se le dejar ingresar. Pero el caso ms comã ºn es que el oficial de inmigraciã ³n sospecha que la persona tiene la intenciã ³n deâ quedarse en Estados Unidos o a buscar trabajo ilegalmente o lo ha hecho en el pasado. No importa que se tenga una visa en regla, ese oficial es el que tiene la à ºltima palabra. Recordar que de todas las visas temporales, incluida la de turista, solo las H-1B y las L child de doble intenciã ³n, es decir, sã ³lo con ellas se puede tener la intenciã ³n de emigrar. El oficial de inmigraciã ³n ve en la computadora del sistema TECS que el extranjero es inadmisible para los Estados Unidos o inelegible para la visa que porta por cualquier razã ³n. Un ejemplo de esto à ºltimo es un turista que viene con la intenciã ³n de casarse y quedarse en el paã ­s. El oficial de inmigraciã ³n tambiã ©n puede ver si la persona tiene pendiente una orden de arresto. Si es asã ­, eso es lo que va a pasar. Segã ºn los à ºltimos datos conocidos en un sã ³lo aã ±o monetary se detuvieron a 24,000 personas cuando intentaban ingresar an Estados Unidos. En casos excepcionales, el oficial de inmigraciã ³n puede permitir ingresar a USA an un extranjero sin los documentos necesarios. Ello es asã ­ porque le da lo que se conoce como un parole. Por ejemplo, a las personas que de un modo creã ­ble solicitan asilo en una frontera, puerto o aeropuerto. Quã © puede pasar en un control migratorio En la inmensa mayorã ­a de los casos, no pasa absolutamente nothing y se ingresa sin incidencias. Pero para las personas que tienen problemas roughage que destacar dos cosas: Primero, que en el control migratorio no se tiene derecho an abogado, excepto si se ha seã ±alado que una persona es objeto de una investigaciã ³n criminal. Adems, las autoridades tienen derecho a recorder sin autorizaciã ³n legal previa el equipaje de cualquier persona y tambiã ©n sus aparatos electrã ³nicos, como computadoras, telã ©fonos, tabletas, cmaras digitales, and so forth. Y segundo, cuando an una persona extranjera no se la deja ingresar roughage que saber exactamente quã © pasã ³. Porque pueden darse situaciones tan diversas como: se permite una retira de la peticiã ³n de ingresar y se pone en la visa I-275ocurre una expulsiã ³n inmediataun residente firma su renuncia a la green card Si ha surgido un problema, lo mejor a partir de ahã ­ es consultar con un abogado migratorio para ver quã © pasos a seguir, segã ºn ocean el caso de cada uno.  ¿Quà © tan problemtico es el control migratorio en Estados Unidos? Cada aã ±o, ms de 360 millones de viajeros, entre estadounidenses y extranjeros, cruzan un puerto de entrada al paà ­s. De ellos, un poco ms de cien millones ingresan por aeropuertos, siendo el modo ms comã ºn de ingreso el cruce de una frontera terrestre. Aproximadamente, unos 320 mil viajeros no pueden ingresar, lo cual es un nã ºmero grande pero pequeã ±o comparado con el total.â  ¿Es posible evitar las largas filas? En algunos puertos de entrada o en determinadas fechas las demoras para pasar el control migratorio pueden ser muy largas, particularmente en los puentes internacionales.â Existen diferentes tipos de programas que permiten ingresos ms rpidos que aplican an unos viajeros o an otros segã ºn nacionalidades y lugar de ingreso, pero merece la pena familiarizarse con esas posibilidades de ingresos acelerados, como Global Entry, Nexus o Sentri. Consejo Evita problemas en el control de aduanas conociendo quã © se puede ingresar y quã © est sujeto a ser declarado.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Good Emperors

The Five Good Emperors known as Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius, were a progression of fantastic sovereigns who controlled in Rome from 96-180 AD, following the Flavian Dynasty. They were called this since they won the help and backing of the senate, which is something their forerunners had been ineffective to do. The time of the five great sovereigns was for the most part celebrated for the quiet method of progression. Every ruler picked his replacement by receiving a beneficiary, forestalling the political mayhem related with the progression both when this period.(1) The first of these incredible heads was Marcus Cocceius Nerva, administering from 96-98 AD, who was chosen to take the seat by the professional killers of the earlier sovereign, Domitian. He was a good old man who vowed to manage the senate reasonably and never put one of its individuals to death. The key things that portray the control of Nerva are his amazing relations with the senate, his accomplishment of Dominitan's activities, his colossal measure of costs on making sure about open cooperative attitude, his push to support occupant abhor for Dominitan, and the way that he started a course of action of receiving beneficiaries to make certain the run of the best competitors. He embraced Trajan to be his beneficiary, and in this way acquiring the seat after him. The subsequent head, Trajan, was in power from 98-117 and started his rule with show, executing all the pioneers of the gathering who had embarrassed Nerva. He was named Optimus Maximus, which means the best in light of his regard for the senate and a progression of outside wars in which he endeavored to grow the domain. He is notable for his help to open administrations, remembering a raise for the free conveyance of food, the fix of streets, and the development of the Forum, Market, and showers of Trajan. He received Hadrian, who turned into his beneficiary. Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Hadrian, the third of the extraordinary sovereigns to manage Rome, was in power from 117-138. His first air conditioning... Free Essays on Good Emperors Free Essays on Good Emperors The Five Good Emperors known as Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius, were a progression of incredible heads who administered in Rome from 96-180 AD, following the Flavian Dynasty. They were called this since they won the help and backing of the senate, which is something their antecedents had been ineffective to do. The time of the five great sovereigns was for the most part well known for the quiet method of progression. Every ruler picked his replacement by receiving a beneficiary, forestalling the political mayhem related with the progression both when this period.(1) The first of these extraordinary rulers was Marcus Cocceius Nerva, administering from 96-98 AD, who was chosen to take the seat by the professional killers of the earlier sovereign, Domitian. He was a good old man who vowed to manage the senate decently and never put one of its individuals to death. The key things that describe the control of Nerva are his phenomenal relations with the senate, his accomplishment of Dominitan's ventures, his colossal measure of costs on making sure about open positive attitude, his push to support occupant hate for Dominitan, and the way that he started a plan of embracing beneficiaries to make certain the run of the best up-and-comers. He received Trajan to be his beneficiary, and in this way acquiring the seat after him. The subsequent head, Trajan, was in power from 98-117 and started his rule with show, executing all the pioneers of the gathering who had mortified Nerva. He was named Optimus Maximus, which means the best in view of his regard for the senate and a progression of outside wars in which he endeavored to grow the realm. He is notable for his help to open administrations, remembering a raise for the free circulation of food, the fix of streets, and the development of the Forum, Market, and showers of Trajan. He embraced Hadrian, who turned into his beneficiary. Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Hadrian, the third of the incredible heads to run Rome, was in power from 117-138. His first air conditioning...

Friday, August 21, 2020

5 Tips for the Best Supplement Essays 2018 TKG

5 Tips for the Best Supplement Essays 2018 When it comes to stellar supplements, it’s not as easy as just not doing anything on our no-no list. Here are 5 of the ingredients you need to write amazing college supplements. Know Each School Research is king. The best supplements are tailored to each school, highlighting the programs you are most interested in and the aspects of the school that make it unique. For example, a large part of the purpose of the “why this school?” prompt, one of the most common questions in supplements, is to see if you know your stuff.These supplements range in length from 100 words to 650, so you’ll have to scale the amount of detail to fit the size, but the bare minimum checklist is: major, a sample class (and why you think it would benefit you), and extracurriculars.  However, top “why this school?” supplements typically have a bit more than that. Try to include a professor you’d like to work with, a specific program (like a research or internship program) that you’d like to be in volved in, and a mention of a minor if possible. Even if a supplement doesn’t specifically ask “why us?”, you should still find ways to show that you are invested in the school and truly want to be there.Tell StoriesThe college essay isn’t the only place where storytelling is critical. The best supplements are story-centric. “Show don’t tell” is the mantra of the supplement section, especially since it’s so easy to just answer the question. Your story needs to have a clear beginning, middle, and end. No hamburger essays here. Write Crossover Content You don’t want to go into your supplements with the goal of using the same three essays over and over, but the right crossover content is often a sign of a strong supplement. By ‘the right’ content, we mean the story-focused pieces of supplements. If you worked hard on the story behind why you want to major in biology, it makes sense to use that same explanation in a few different supplements. You should not be copy ing and pasting over entire supplements, but knowing when and where to pull these bits and pieces will save you time, energy, and strengthen your final product.  Give Yourself Time Time is the enemy of college application writing. Nearly no matter what, you’ll wish you had a little more time. But, unlike at school, asking for an extension is completely off of the table. You should begin working on your college essay in early September and should be starting on your supplements soonâ€"regardless of whether you’re doing EA/ED or all RD.  Edit, Edit, EditWhy do you need so much time? First off, rushed writing is bad writing. You’ll also need time to edit, revise, rethink, and go back. Without planning for that in advance, you end up with supplements that read like rough drafts. The best supplements are products of commitment, hard work, and time.    If you’re looking for more guidance, we’re pros at stellar supplements.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Effects Of Conflict On The Workplace - 887 Words

Conflict in the workplace is something that’s been going on for centuries. Although we think of conflict as negative, it can also have a positive impact. In this paper we will look at both the negative and positive impact of conflict in the workplace. Conflict is opposition or antagonism toward other individuals or things (Hegar, Human Relations at Work, pg 480). For example, if your co-worker was given an award for outstanding work performance but you feel that you were more deserving of the award. Now there is a conflict between you two. Even if you do feel like you are more deserving, you should still try and keep that to yourself and get your work done. Holding that type of animosity just creates more conflict. Two types of conflict that are important in human relations are conflict at the individual level and conflict at the organizational level. When needs of individuals are at odds conflict can develop. The reasons for this are frustration and interpersonal conflict. Some of our biggest frustrations come from the workplace. It may be because we feel that our work in unfulfilling, co-workers that we don’t get along with demanding structures within the organization that seem to micromanage us. In most instances we feel that our options for real fulfillment at work are limited which creates conflict inside us. Intrapersonal conflict occurs when a person or group of people frustrates or interferes with another person’s efforts at achieving a goal (Hegar, Human RelationsShow MoreRelatedConflict And Its Effects On The Workplace1825 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Conflict is inevitable when participating in day-to-day operations in groups, the workplace, and in life. How one approaches these conflicts can ultimately lead to the success or failure in ones professional, social or academic life. According to our class textbook, â€Å"Organizational Behavior,† conflict is when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Sources of conflict can be real or imagined and there are multiple causes forRead MoreConflict And Its Effects On The Workplace Essay1414 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Conflict is the process in which one team perceives that his or her interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Many years ago, conflict was viewed as undesirable and counterproductive. There is evidence that conflict can produce undesirable outcomes such as lower job satisfaction, team cohesion, and knowledge sharing as well as higher organizational politics and turn-over. However, experts later formed the opinion that organizations suffer from too little asRead MoreConflict Between Interpersonal, Intra Groups And Intra Group Levels1503 Words   |  7 PagesIn the contention of viewing conflict as whether undesirable phenomenon or not, it has been widely accepted that the presence of conflict in the workplace is inevitable. According to Rahim (2002, p. 207), conflict could be define as â€Å"an interactive process manifested in incompatibility, disagreement, or dissonance within or between social entities.† As this conflict occurs in the workplace, t he existence of conflict is not only limited between people in an organisation, but it is also occurred betweenRead MoreThe Impact Of A Poor Communication Climate On The Workplace Essay951 Words   |  4 Pages The literature review will consist of theoretical perspectives and previous research findings related to the communication climate in the workplace. The review will provide a focus for the study and to report the important concepts and data related to the attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. The review will include an overview of the behaviors, conflict resolution, and educating leadership on communication strategies. A variety of resources will be utilized for reviews of literature pertinentRead MoreRecommendation On The Training Offer1113 Words   |  5 Pagesmust be high for it to have a positive effect Based on the above analysis, I recommend to select / reject this training offer. Kind regards, Thien Tuc Nguyen Assessment Task 3 Part A To: Subject: Discussion of Yuko’s case Dear Ling, 1. Discuss the conflict resolution process that you would use to resolve the workplace situation. Conflict is a complexion element of human communication. How we control conflict still, is significant. Conflict controlled indisposed can lead to anRead MoreQuestions On Conflict Management On The Workplace1454 Words   |  6 Pages Conflict Management: How to resolve conflict in the workplace? Mariann Wright Johnson Wales University Introduction Conflict happens in any working relationship and it should not be avoided or ignored. Diversity is the cause of conflict in the workplace because in almost every organization there is different cultures and nationalities, and employees with different experiences, values, beliefs, and opinions. When conflict arises in the workplace it is the manager’s responsibilityRead MoreConflict Is Essential For Organisational Success . In This1135 Words   |  5 PagesConflict is essential for organisational success In this current era of modernization and development, there is a serious economic war between firms of different sizes. Many firms have capabilities to success in the market and maintain their position for a very long period of time. Such firms that keep the hold of the market deals with the organisational conflicts effectively and efficiently (1). It is obvious that one can find different nature of people in a workplace and thus causing conflictsRead MoreConflict in the Workplace1641 Words   |  7 Pagesget along on a daily basis. There’s going to be conflicts in every environment especially in the workplace. Conflict is a typical phenomenon of people’s relationship in workplace. Conflict is a fact of life. Conflict is hard to define because every situation is different in every different workplace. Conflict is a job not easily handled, and it can be really destructive if not properly taken care of. The Webster’s Dictionary (2001) defines conflict as a battle; clash; or a disagreement of ideas,Read MoreConflict in the Workplace675 Words   |  3 PagesConflict in the Workplace Introduction The business world is highly competitive from every perspective; competition for office space, virtual space, markets, customers, clients and with colleagues. It is the responsibility of people working together in their day to day business transactions to have finely tuned interpersonal skills, knowledge and experience to ensure that they achieve the best possible outcomes for themselves and their employers. In environments such as these, conflicts, argumentsRead MoreConflict, Causes, And Effects On The Resolution Of Conflict1613 Words   |  7 PagesConflict retort is a canvass that employers confront at any given time. It demands discreet investigation and correlation to comprehend the narrative of contention and methods to determine them. According to Honeyman (2013), â€Å"workplace conflict includes any type of conflict which takes place within a workplace or among workers and/or managers, potentially including conflict between employees out of work hours.† However, enco unters may be inferred as an agile dispute or a misunderstanding of directives

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Human Resource Management System Essay - 1905 Words

INTRODUCTION A Human Resources Management System (HRMS) or Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is defined as the computer based systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management (HRM) and information technology. In the article in the World Heritage Encyclopedia noted that â€Å"it merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the programming of data processing systems evolved into standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.† John J. Lawler in the article â€Å"Human Recourse Information System† pointed that the HRIS contains tools that allow users to input new data and edit existing data; in addition, such programs provide users with the opportunity to select from an array of predefined reports that may either be printed or displayed on a monitor. Reports may address any of a number of different HRM issues (e.g., succession planning, compensation planning, equal employment opportunity monitoring). HRISs also generally include tools by which users or system administrators may generate ad hoc reports and select specific cases or subsets of cases for display. Firms have experienced increased competitive pressures that have translated into greater cost containment demands from upper management, leading to greater automation of the record-keeping function in the HRM field. The ready availability of microcomputers and relativelyShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management Systems : Management1080 Words   |  5 Pages Human Resource Management Systems: Management Through Software Auriel S. Brown Dr. Jack Huddleston HRM520004VA016-1148-001: Hr Information Systems Strayer University 10/26/14 Human Resource Management Systems Human Resource Information Systems or HRSI are systems used to combine task related to the human resource management field. These task include but are not limited to payroll, benefits management, and employment recruitment. Many businesses both large and small haveRead MoreThe Human Resource Management System1234 Words   |  5 Pagesthe main functions of the human resource management system Recruitment and selection are two critical functions of human resource management. Taking into consideration both the capacities the recruitment process goes before the selection capacity. These functions form is basically the core fundamental that engulf the human resource management and includes that of talent acquisition and training and development and even rewards for the employees. For a human resource manager, it’s an importantRead MoreHuman Resource Information System And Human Resources Management System1399 Words   |  6 PagesHRIS, which is also known as a human resource information system or human resource management system (HRMS), is basically an intersection of human resources and information technology through HR software. This allows HR activities and processes to occur electronically. To put it another way, a HRIS may be viewed as a way, through software, for businesses big and small to take care of a number of activities, including those related to human resources, accounting, management, and payroll. A HRIS allowsRead MoreThe Human Resource Management System Essay1392 Words   |  6 Pages which is also known as a human resource information system or human resource management system (HRMS), is basically an intersection of human resources and information technology through HR software. This allows HR activities and processes to occur electronically. To put it another way, a HRIS may be viewed as a way, through software, for businesses big and small to take care of a number of activities, including those related to human resources, accounting, management, and payroll. A HRIS allowsRead MoreHuman Resource Management System1940 Words   |  8 PagesHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Synopsis [pic] Date of Submission : 18.5.2010 Submitted by: Group No: Read MoreHuman Resources Information System in Management of Human Resources2435 Words   |  10 PagesHuman Resources Information System in Management of Human Resources Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Case studies one 2 2.1 Description 2 2.2 Advantages 3 2.3 Challenges 4 2.4 Organizational advantage 4 3.0 Case studies two 5 3.1 Description 5 3.2 Advantages 5 3.3 Challenges 6 3.4 Organizational advantage 7 4.0 Conclusion 7 5.0 References 8 1.0 Introduction In today s corporate world information system has come to play a very criticalRead MoreHuman Resource Management System Implementation947 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity Human Resource Management System Implementation Human Resource Information system (HRIMS), also referred to as Human Resources Management System (HRMS), is a series of integrated systems that is utilized to gather, organize, and analyze information regarding human resources in an organization. This assists in the automation and simplification of an organization’s tasks, but most fundamentally, it aids in the laying down of a framework on which the management of human resource policies canRead MoreHuman Resource Management Information System1731 Words   |  7 PagesStudent Number: 4494931 American Public University System Professor Emilia Butu Human Resource Management Information Systems- HRMT 415 Session D, Summer 2014 3 October 2014â€Æ' Introduction As times change so does the way organizations handle business. As organizations change practices HRM must change to remain an inaugural part of the organization. As a HR Director of a large corporation it is a must to understand Human Resource Information Systems or HRIS. With many HRIS functions such as e-recruitingRead MorePayroll System And The Human Resource Management System2022 Words   |  9 Pages Payroll systems in organizations are often computerized. According to Devansh (2011), payroll systems are usually one of the first systems to be computerized. The system is computerized in order to obtain accurate results and provide information during auditing processes. Employees of the payroll department should be able to view employees data but shouldn’t be able to add, delete or modify the data. The timesheet of employees received from the personnel department can be viewed but should not beRead MoreHuman Resources Information System ( Hrms ) Human Resource Managemen t System2230 Words   |  9 PagesHRIS, which is also known as Human Resources Information System or (HRMS) Human Resource Management System, is actually a hybrid of human resources and information technology by HR software. This allows HR activities and processes to be carried out electronically. Human Resources Information System is a system that can keep track of all your employees and information to keep. It is, as a rule in a database or, more generally carried out in a series of connected databases. These include the name and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare/Contrast Cinderella Essay - 1261 Words

Compare/Contrast Cinderella Essay â€Å"The Walt Disney Company is a powerful economic and cultural phenomenon known throughout the United States and the world as a provider of family entertainment (Maltin, 1, 308). Its media and entertainment holdings establish it as a central communicator in contemporary life. As such, it provides many of the first narratives children use to learn about the world† (Ward, 1). Disney has always been family oriented making it one of the main attractions of reading something Disney. They always have an innocent feeling to their stories, which makes it more appealing for children. But in Vietnamese fairytales a family oriented story may be somewhat gory or violent. â€Å"The stories from Vietnam tell us about their†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"Cinderella† after her stepsisters taunted her about not being able to go to the ball they left her there to keep cleaning and that’s exactly what she did. Until â€Å"a little old woman with a sweet, kind face stood before her. It was her fairy godmother† (Disney, 516). Her fairy godmother started making the magic, turning the pumpkin into the coach, mice into horses, so on and so forth. She never let Cinderella down even when Cinderella had all the transportation she needed she couldn’t showShow MoreRelatedCinderella Compare and Contrast Essay809 Words   |  4 Pagesboth the Grimm version and the Disney version of Cinderella, however the Grimm version definitely exemplifies the theme more effectively than the Disney version does. The Grimm version and the Disney version of Cinderella both include punishment to the stepsisters for how they treated Cinderella and they both exemplify the theme. For example, in both versions, the stepsisters do not get to what they want,which is to marry the prince and for Cinderella not to be happy. The Disney version kept it thisRead MoreGender Stereotypes In Disney1711 Words   |  7 PagesFit What young girl does not dream of becoming a princess and living in a castle happily ever after? Virtually every young girl identifies with princesses and has watched at least one Disney Princess movie. From the first movies of Snow White and Cinderella, to the later movies of The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, to the most current movie Moana, Disney Princess movies permeate not only the movie theaters, but also our culture. In fact, â€Å"becoming a princess is as easy as purchasing a tiaraRead MoreComparing Jane Eyre, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast1830 Words   |  8 Pagesthoroughly discussed and interpreted, because it holds many captivating elements, such as mystery, passion or even betrayal. The aim of this essay is to analyze the love story between the two protagonists and to illustrate how the elements forming their relationship resemble the ones in fairy tales. Jane Eyre has been often compared to fairy tales such as Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast and I believe that this close connection with the fantastic stories has a huge influence on the relationship betweenRead More Comparing Where Are you going, Where Have You Been and Hills Like White Elephants1320 Words   |  6 PagesAuthors of great stories often use good technical writing skills. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast two short stories: Where Are you going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates and Hills Like White Elephants by Earnest Hemingway. The comparison and contrast will be done based on their use of plot, point of view and character development. The short story where are you going, where have you been is about a teenage girl who is, vain, self-doubting and affixed in the presentRead MoreRay Bradbury s Fahrenheit 4514443 Words   |  18 Pagesdescribes how Hester gave up everything for Pearl, who becomes her only treasure. Chapter 8 – Hanseldee and Greteldum A work of literarture that reflects a fairytale is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry Potter is in the same situation as Cinderella. With no other family, Harry is forced to live with the Dursley’s. His uncle and aunt spoil their son, Dudley, while neglecting Harry. Harry does the cleaning and is kept away from the public by his family. He is essentially, their whipping boyRead MoreFemale Empowerment in Kate Chopins The Awakening7915 Words   |  32 Pagesinfluence of Adà ¨le Ratignolle. The excessive physical charm of the Creole had first attracted her, for Edna had a sensuous susceptibility to beauty. Then the candor of the woman’s whole existence, which everyone might read, and which formed so striking a contrast to her own habitual reserve [†¦]. Adà ¨le does not only stand for the archetypical Creole woman but for femininity itself as she is also described as â€Å"possessing a more feminine and matronly figure.† Even though Adà ¨le encourages Edna’s awakeningRead MoreFrankenstein Study Guide14107 Words   |  57 Pagesand vows he will end his own life. 2 For the Teacher Frankenstein Study Guide Copyright  © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Media Links Videos Show a film version of the novel as a follow-up to students’ reading. Ask students to compare and contrast the characterizations of the major and minor characters in the film and in the novel. †¢ Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, directed by Kenneth Branagh (Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1995; 123 minutes; Rated R for horrific images). CD-ROMs To giveRead MoreEssay about Happy Endings True Love8166 Words   |  33 Pagesas a whole. -Raymond Bellour (Bellour, 1974, 16) You dont want to be in love - you want to be in love in a movie. -Becky, Sleepless in Seattle Reality and love are almost contradictory to me. -C#233;line, Before Sunset This essay is primarily concerned with the concept of the Hollywood romance happy ending. On a broader scale, it is also concerned with addressing the relationship of these endings to something which (I think it is fair to say) most believe Hollywood seldom attemptsRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 Pagesconstitute Chapter 5 was first read, and the Festival of the New Cinema (Pesaro, Italy), which organized the round-table discussion during which the last chapter in this volume was originally presented. The idea of bringing together a number of my essays in a single volume, thus making them more easily available, originated with Mikel Dufrenne, Professor at the University of Paris-Nanterre and editor of the series in which this work was published in French. He has my very warm gratitude. C . M. Cannes

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Employee Motivation Strategies used by Royal Bank of Scotland

Question: Discuss about the Employee Motivation Strategies used by Royal Bank of Scotland. Answer: Introduction Organizational success in the currently dynamic business environment is determined by its ability to retain high performance. Among the main drivers of organizational performance is the level of commitment and input that the organizations workforce put into its operational duties. Employee Motivation therefore becomes a very essential aspect that enhances the performance of employees. According to Dobre (2013), numerous studies have shown a positive relationship between employee motivation and high performance output and effectiveness with organizations. This essay analyses a case study on the strategies used to motivate employees at Royal Bank of Scotland System mapping of Royal Bank of Scotland Motivation strategy The Motivational system mapping of Royal Bank of Scotland provides a visual illustration of how the organizational motivation strategies relate to the success of the Bank. RBS offers an integrated that incentive system that features financial and non-financial incentives. The incentive system constitutes of an all-inclusive tactic that seek to motivate the employees across all demographics and levels of company. The system map also show how motivated employees contributes increased organizational efficiency and effectiveness that is necessary to achieve RBS goals. In the closed loop system one finds that as the company succeeds, the RBS staff continue to benefits from the company by providing resources to keep its employees motivated. Fig 1: RBS Motivation Strategy System Map Importance of Motivating employees in an organization Whereas motivation is a process of inducing people to perform, organizations stand to benefit in various aspects from having motivated employees. Firstly, motivation allows the adoption of a positive attitude towards work. As Njambi, (2014) suggests, motivated employees perceive their duties as a sense of self-fulfillment and therefore work at maximum capacity. As a result, a companys workforce will work at full capacity enabling a company to effectively use its human resources. Motivation appeals to the employees personal goals and aligns them to the company vision and objective. Dobre (2013) notes that in doing so, an employee is inspired continuously improve on their performance thereby making the organizational activities efficient. Additionally, by aligning personal goals of the employees to organizational objectives, the employees personal accomplishments translate to achievement of organizational goals. Another vital aspect of motivation is its ability to help retain skilled e mployees in an organization. Numerous studies have shown that motivated employees are less likely to take an alternative job offer since they are satisfied with their current work environment (Leblebici, 2012; Osabiya, 2015; Al Jasmi, 2012). Increased turnover of employees is not only costly to an organization in terms of financial input, but it also affects the overall performance and synergy of its workforce. Analysis of Royal Bank of Scotlands motivation Strategy In a case study evaluating how The Royal Bank of Scotland works to motivate its large workforce, one find that the bank applies an integrated form of strategies and incentives that are well suited to satisfy its employees. At the backdrop of its motivational strategies, The Royal Bank of Scotland applies well established concepts of motivation that inform the variety of strategies its uses. It is worth noting that motivating employees is arguably one of the most complex function of management in an organization, partly because, the human workforces needs are subject to constant changes (Burton, 2012). Additionally, each individual is unique and thereby motivated by different factor compared to the next individual. It is due to such factors that Royal Bank of Scotland adopts a complex motivational strategy that seeks to include variety of incentives that can cover the needs of its large and geo strategically placed workforce. Herzberg Two Factor Theory of evaluating employees motivational needs From the case study, one theoretical approach used by RBS to evaluate the motivational needs of its employees is the Herzberg two factor concept. According to Herzberg as evaluated by Mowali and Babandako (2011), there are two factors informs an employees satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This include Intrinsic (motivation) and extrinsic motivators (hygiene factors) which represent intangible and tangible needs of an individual, respectively. Intrinsic needs entail the emotional needs that motivate an individual such as personal and career development, recognition as well as challenging work experiences. Notably extrinsic motivators include more tangible factors such as monetary benefits, job security and good work environment. Herzberg notes that while the extrinsic factors may not work well in satisfying an employees motivational needs, their lack thereof may dissatisfy the employees thereby reducing the employees morale to work effectively(Mawoli Babandako, 2011). However, conside ring the intrinsic needs of an employee motivates them to perform better. Kuvaas Dysvik (2009) evaluate that in a workplace, growth potential in a professional and personal capacity, recognition and challenging work are some of the main personal drives that could motivate the workforce. In RBS, a Total reward systems that includes both financial and non-financial incentives are applied to cover the wide variety of employee motivation needs. For example, employees get a very inclusive monetary compensation system for their services that includes a basic salary and results based payments such as bonuses and commissions. As added incentives, young employees get student debt pay offs and the older employees have a retirement benefits package. Non-financial incentives cover the personal and professional aspects of employee lives. For instance, the RBS offers training, fosters good relationships with employees, minimal supervision and promotion to positive encourage employees in their professional career. Additionally the bank enriches their personal needs by involving them in Corporate Social Responsibilities, offering paid holidays as well as Recognizing personal achievement within the company. Maslows Hierarchy of needs in RBS Notably, Maslows hierarchy of needs Theory of motivation are notable in RBS Total Reward systems. Maslows needs theory recognizes fives hierarchical stages that define the levels of individual satisfaction, which include psychological, security, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization needs in their respective order(Mawoli Babandako, 2011). At RBS one finds that the basic salary used to as an incentive to meet psychological needs of an employee while the promise of a life-long career, retirement and medical benefits work to secure their peace of mind. For RBS development of mutually beneficial relationships within the company develops a sense of belonging. Recognition of high achivement raises the employees builds self-esteem whereas Corporate Social Responsibility and professional and personal growth through training and promotions create a sense of self-actualization. Communication and Conflict management as factors of motivating employees There are several other aspects of that allows an organization to keep employees motivated. Among the are active listening and proper communication. As part of the communication process active listening is often overlooked especially by managers. For employees to remain motivate they should be able to voice out their immediate needs and have them addressed within good time. A consequence of in active listening leads to dissatisfaction as well as create ineffectiveness as they perform their duties(Burton, 2012). For RBS creating time for essential feedback form employees through continuous face to face meetings and the approachability of line managers help to continuously and effectively deal with arising employee needs (Yoo, Yoo Lee, 2010). Communication in general is also an aspect that can motivate employees. ineffective communication may frustrate the efforts of employees. In many case managers may abuse their power by assuming to know more than the employees. In such cases, empl oyees find themselves undervalued and hence unmotivated to go the extra mile in performance. Managers should take up supportive and inspiring roles towards their employees in a bid to help them improve their performance(Zhang Bartol, 2010; Stone, Deci Ryan, 2009)). Notably conflict issues are not uncommon in the workplace. Conflict may arise as a result of conflicting roles, duties or ideas. Unaddressed conflicts issue may give rise to low morale at the workplace as well as hostility towards colleagues, which affect the overall performance of a company(Chan, Huang, Ng, 2008). Developing process to manage conflict allows the employees to foster a cohesive relationship with one another also retain employee focus towards achieving company goals. Importance of Applying System Thinking in RBS A system thinking approach in an organization is a vital aspect that evaluates the value of the interconnected elements of that form an organization. Notably, an organization can be viewed as a system in which several independent elements work coherently to achieve a common goal (Meadow, 2008; Jackson, 2009). System thinking therefore allows an organization to recognize and evaluate the relationships among the independent elements of an organization with a view to gain deeper understanding of their Structure to company goals. Ultimately, the overall performance of an organization will depend on the overall function of the organizational structure rather than the independent elements. Therefore, adoption of a system thinking approach allows the management to analyze operational function in isolation so as to determine their effectiveness. The major benefits of applying systems thinking within an organization includes allowing an organization to identify the source of arising issues wi thin a given situation (Flood, 2010;Pourdehnad Bharathy, 2004). By looking at the systemic relationship that surround a particular arising problem, an organization is able to attribute the source of the problem in isolation and thereby implement the requisite measures to solve the issue. In RBS, a system thinking approach helps to map out the structure of the organization to effectively monitor its activities on a global scale. Additionally, one finds that while the company is complex, RBS has the ability to develop an effective operational system that focuses on the banks goals attainment (Mingers White, 2010). For example, the bank has access to individual employee performance and progress which is made possible by putting in place system for motivating employees. The systems include an appraisal processes, Total rewards system, as well as a good communication system across the organizations. Systems thinking in RBS not only helps in monitoring the operations, but it also helps in fostering a cohesive relationship among the banks stakeholders. Effects of unmotivated employees and the Benefits RBS Gains from motivated employees An organization has a lot to lose as a result of demotivated employees. Firstly, if most of the employees are demotivated, there is high likelihood of poor overall performance within an organization. As noted by Dobre (2013), unmotivated employees choose to perform the minimal duties required in their job description. Therefore, poor performance is inevitable in a company where most employees are demotivated. Dissatisfaction is also a likely occurrence among demotivated employees which may lead to high employee turnover as well as fostering an unproductive organizational culture across all levels of management. Poor service delivery is another consequence of demotivated employees(Mawoli Babandako, 2011). For service delivery organizations, the quality of service greatly impacts the customer perception of the company. Poor services quality from demotivated employees reflects poorly on an organization s image and positioning in the market (Leblebici, 2012). Notably, for most business organizations, return on investment is a key objective during its operations. The overall result of the effects of demotivated workers is low revenue. Decreased performance as well as negative brand perception among other inefficiency issues contribute to a reduction in revenue. RBS therefore, gains greatly from maintaining motivated employees. Employees have a drive to acquire new businesses for the organization partly because they gain recognition and results based incentives as a reward for their efforts (Leblebici, 2012; Ganta, 2014). Training facilitates the competency of employees thereby allowing them to better serve RBS. Since RBS is a service business, the motivated employees are more likely to take care of their customer as the organization takes care of their welfare. This emanates from the development of a value-oriented and caring culture at RBS that transcends to all Stakeholder of the bank. Consequently, RBS increases on its performance and operational efficiency, which are vital to retain a competitive edge in the high competitive banking industry. Conclusion Employee Motivation is a central factor to organizational performance and ultimately its ability to achieve goals. In the case study evaluating Royal Bank of Scotlands motivation strategy, one finds that the bank uses a variety of motivation strategy informed by well-established motivation concepts. Concepts such as Herzberg two factor theory helps in determining the motivational needs of employees. Additionally, the Maslows Hierarchy of needs allows RBS to anticipate the needs of its employees that are subject to constant change. RBS adopts a complex yet inclusive motivational strategy not only appeals to intrinsic needs of employees but also the extrinsic needs. References Al Jasmi, S. (2012).A Study on Employees Work Motivation and its Effect on their Performance and Business Productivity(Doctoral dissertation, The British University in Dubai (BUiD)). Burton, K. (2012). A study of motivation: How to get your employees moving.Management,3(2), 232-234. Chan, K. W., Huang, X., Ng, P. M. (2008). Managers conflict management styles and employee attitudinal outcomes: The mediating role of trust.Asia Pacific Journal of Management,25(2), 277-295. Dobre, O. I. (2013). Employee motivation and organizational performance.Journal of Management and Socio-Economic, (1). Flood, R. L. (2010). The relationship of systems thinking to action research.Systemic Practice and Action Research,23(4), 269-284. Ganta, V. C. (2014). Motivation in the workplace to improve the employee performance.International Journal of Engineering Technology,2(6), 221-230. Jackson, M. C. (2009). Fifty years of systems thinking for management.Journal of the Operational Research Society,60(1), S24-S32. Kuvaas, B., Dysvik, A. (2009). Perceived investment in employee development, intrinsic motivation and work performance.Human resource management journal,19(3), 217-236. Leblebici, D. (2012). Impact of workplace quality on employees productivity: case study of a bank in Turkey.Journal of Business, Economics,1(1). Mawoli, M. A., Babandako, A. Y. (2011). An evaluation of staff motivation, dissatisfaction and job performance in an academic setting.Australian Journal of Business and Management Research,1(9), 1. Mingers, J., White, L. (2010). A review of the recent contribution of systems thinking to operational research and management science.European Journal of Operational Research,207(3), 1147-1161. Njambi, C. (2014).Factors influencing employee motivation and its impact on Employee Performance: a case of AMREF health Africa in Kenya(Doctoral dissertation, United States International University-Africa). Osabiya, B. J. (2015). The effect of employees motivation on organizational performance.Journal of public administration and policy research,7(4), 62-75. Pourdehnad, J., Bharathy, G. K. (2004, May). Systems thinking and its implications in organizational transformation. In3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management, Philadelphia, PA. Stone, D. N., Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M. (2009). Beyond talk: Creating autonomous motivation through self-determination theory.Journal of General Management,34(3), 75. Yoo, M. S., Yoo, I. Y., Lee, H. (2010). Nursing students self-evaluation using a video recording of Foley catheterization: Effects on students competence, communication skills, and learning motivation.Journal of Nursing Education,49(7), 402-405. Zhang, X., Bartol, K. M. (2010). Linking empowering leadership and employee creativity: The influence of psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and creative process engagement.Academy of management journal,53(1), 107-128

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Anarchist Utopia Essays - Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Politics

Anarchist Utopia The world is in turmoil. Wars are fought solely for economic gain, children are shooting their fellow classmates, people are starving, and people are dying. But why is this happening? Why do these things have to happen? Well, they don't have to happen. This is all a result of corrupt governments caring for nothing but money. These governments are sending their own citizens to war, and they do not care who gets killed, just which side wins. This is unjust and must not continue. People think about these things, but do nothing about them, and as the saying goes, silence is consent. By not doing anything about this we allow these things to continue. We allow our governments to murder our family, our friends, and even ourselves. This is why I propose that we begin a new order in which we abandon governments altogether and instate an anarchist system in which all men, women, and children are equal, but in their own way different and unique. Everyone's worth is the same, but their thoughts are different. And this is the ideal society. In order for there to be a true utopia, we need to eliminate a few things. One is government, for as long as there is somebody above us in social status, we can never be truly equal and free. Next are laws made by the common man that not everybody agrees with, for if there are laws that not everybody agrees with, then there is oppression. And lastly, is a monetary system, because as they say, money is the root of all evil. The way that we maintain order in such a society is through a principle called Altruism, which is a principle that states that all people care for each other. Without such a principle, society cannot maintain order, and keep in mind that anarchy is not synonymous with chaos. Anarchy is lack of government, where as chaos is lack of order. Anyway, the reason we need altruism is because, instead of laws, the way that we determine what is right and what is wrong is by determining a persons inherent rights. If a person then violates another person's rights, then that is wrong, and society as a whole punishes that person fittingly. The way that this works is that it's based on the principal of the social contract. The social contract theory states that in order to have protection from a society, you must give up some of your liberties. In this case, the liberties that you would have to give up are the liberties to violate the rights of others, and to intentionally rise in power. These rules are made so as to "weed" out all those who would purposely disrupt the society and dissolve it and also to maintain order in such a system. This also makes it so that only the good natured people would enter. Remember, this society is strictly a voluntary society. No one has to enter if they don't want to and that's one of the best things about the anarchist utopia, is that involvement is entirely voluntary! An education system would be non-existent. Instead of children going to school, each generation is taught by the previous generation. This has been shown to work in indigenous tribes. In the ideal society, where the aforementioned principles are taught, people don't need to work in order to buy material possessions. Instead, the sole motivation to work is to gather the necessities of life (i.e. water, food, shelter, etc...) and each generation would teach what is needed to be known in order to get these things. And that is why education is not necessary in this society. In this society, conflict would be handled in a proper manner, depending on the conflict. For example, if the conflict is about a difference in ideas, the conflict would be settled in a debate-like manner with an audience (whether it be one, or many) that decides who's right. But if the conflict gets to the point of violence, then further action is taken by the society in the form of a tribunal in which the entire society is gathered by either physical means, or through the media, and the society votes as to if the defendant is guilty or innocent and how to punish him/her. The economic system, as I briefly touched on earlier, will be a true socialistic economy. The monetary system will be abolished and all trade will be done only for necessities. Any luxury item that an

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Free Essays on Jesus Treatment of Women

Jesus Treatment of Women In the beginning of Luke 7, according to the NRSV, Jesus enters Capernaum. He has just finished his Sermon on the Plain, and upon his arrival to Capernaum he encounters a Centurion. The Centurion becomes the fleshed-out version of the sermon and he becomes the ironic match for a person of faith. Jesus proceeds to a town called Nain with a great procession, his disciples and a large crowd of followers. As he approached the town a dead man was being taken out. He was the son of a widow and he was her only child. Jesus felt compassion for her and touched the man and commanded him to rise. Once the boy sat up and began to speak, the word about Jesus began to spread all throughout Judea. The people glorified God saying â€Å"A great prophet has risen among us!† John hears of Jesus and summons his disciples to speak to the Lord. Jesus vindicates John and some time thereafter in Luke 7: 36-50 Jesus is asked by Simon a Pharisee to eat with him. Jesus obliges and joins Simo n for a dinner banquet (Keener 208). After taking his place at the dinner table a woman from the city brought a jar of ointment and stood behind Jesus’ feet. She began to bathe Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. As she continued kissing and anointing the feet of Jesus, Simon the Pharisee, probably among many others, began to ask himself, â€Å"If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him-that she is a sinner (NSRV).† Jesus tells Simon a parable about a creditor who canceled the debts of two debtors whom couldn’t pay, one who owed 500 denarii and the other who owed 50. Jesus asks Simon which debtor will love the creditor more. Simon replies, â€Å"I suppose the one with the greater debt (NRSV).† After judging rightly Jesus turns to the woman and reminds Simon that he didn’t give him water for his feet, he didn’t offer him a kiss, and didn’... Free Essays on Jesus Treatment of Women Free Essays on Jesus Treatment of Women Jesus Treatment of Women In the beginning of Luke 7, according to the NRSV, Jesus enters Capernaum. He has just finished his Sermon on the Plain, and upon his arrival to Capernaum he encounters a Centurion. The Centurion becomes the fleshed-out version of the sermon and he becomes the ironic match for a person of faith. Jesus proceeds to a town called Nain with a great procession, his disciples and a large crowd of followers. As he approached the town a dead man was being taken out. He was the son of a widow and he was her only child. Jesus felt compassion for her and touched the man and commanded him to rise. Once the boy sat up and began to speak, the word about Jesus began to spread all throughout Judea. The people glorified God saying â€Å"A great prophet has risen among us!† John hears of Jesus and summons his disciples to speak to the Lord. Jesus vindicates John and some time thereafter in Luke 7: 36-50 Jesus is asked by Simon a Pharisee to eat with him. Jesus obliges and joins Simo n for a dinner banquet (Keener 208). After taking his place at the dinner table a woman from the city brought a jar of ointment and stood behind Jesus’ feet. She began to bathe Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. As she continued kissing and anointing the feet of Jesus, Simon the Pharisee, probably among many others, began to ask himself, â€Å"If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him-that she is a sinner (NSRV).† Jesus tells Simon a parable about a creditor who canceled the debts of two debtors whom couldn’t pay, one who owed 500 denarii and the other who owed 50. Jesus asks Simon which debtor will love the creditor more. Simon replies, â€Å"I suppose the one with the greater debt (NRSV).† After judging rightly Jesus turns to the woman and reminds Simon that he didn’t give him water for his feet, he didn’t offer him a kiss, and didn’...

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Prejudice Based on Skin Color Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Prejudice Based on Skin Color - Dissertation Example However, after the expression of the skin color through genetics, external factors, for example, ultra-violet rays from the sun may change the skin color away from its initial genetic expression. Distance from the equator is also another external factor that affects the skin color. Even though the non-genetic factors have an effect on the skin color, it is important to note that the effect of genes overrides them all (Kontopoulou and Marketos). This is because the expression caused by the gene is irreversible as compared to that on non-genetic factors. The light skin has always been favored over the dark skin across the various human cultures throughout history. This is because light skin has always been associated with beauty, intelligence and grace while the dark skin has always been considered to be inferior, uncivilized and subordinate (Dovidio and Gaertner). This view was later entrenched in the general psyche by the unfortunate tragedies of slavery and colonialism of the dark-s kinned people by the light skinned people throughout the work in the 19th and 20th centuries. This legacy has perpetuated the view of the superiority of the light skin over the dark skin into the modern times. During slavery era, the lighter skinned black slaves were favored by their masters over their darker skinned counterparts because they were perceived to be more intelligent, co-operative and beautiful as contrasted with darker skinned slaves who were considered ugly, uncivilized and crude (Sulem et al.).

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Kaizen and T.Q.M Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Kaizen and T.Q.M - Essay Example Brief History and contribution of Dr Deming: After the Second World War, Dr. Deming who was the expert on statistical procedures and quality management started spreading his expertise in Japan and this gave rise as the foundation brick gave risk to a complete profession in the name of Total Quality Management. Japanese started implementing these principles in the industrial arena and found out its fruits in form of increased yield and customer satisfaction. Deming was assisted in his efforts by Juran and Ishikawa. T.Q.M is acronym for â€Å"Total Quality Management†, as the name implies it takes into account all the factors of organization that can have an impact on the life of organization, its working and its output. T.Q.M is a concept and at the same time a philosophy and hence has a very vast scope. Since, its rules and working mechanism are so flexible which enables this philosophy to be implemented in both the service industry and the manufacturing industry. It is based on the principles of Continuous Quality Improvement (C.Q.I) initiatives which makes improvement and quality maintenance as part of the organizational activities (Roy, 2007). This philosophy is termed as the bench mark towards achieving excellence in the corporate environment since it provides sufficient guidance for all the necessary aspects. T.Q.M can be split into three major parts, totality, quality, and management. Its scope covers all three important areas of an organization and management field. The term totality refers to the coverage scope for all the essential aspects of organization. The totality factor demands participation, commitment from every personnel who is part of the organization. Ranging from top management individuals to supervisors and shop floor workers, each is expected to provide input and contribute in any way possible. Apart from individuals, the totality factor is fully applicable to the teams and departments and divisions within the organizations. The totality factor addresses the human resource management department, marketing, finance, and all other important departments of the network that have can any positive or negative impact on the organization. The totality factor takes into account all the processes that are involved during the manufacturing stages as well the service delivery stage s (kawatra, 2000). Role of Inspectors: Prior to the implementation of T.Q.M, the inspectors were integral part of organizational framework. Their role was to monitor the performance of various departments and individuals associated. This consumed a lot of resources and department had to bear the burden of a special extra department in the name of inspection department. With the advent of Total Quality Management, the inspectors are no more needed, since the system is devised in such a manner which holds each department and individual responsible for their own role and performance. The large amount of resources and time that used to be consumed and wasted by inspection processes is controlled through the implementation of T.Q.M system. The second part of the acronym is â€Å"Q† which stands for quality. Quality is a subjective definition and can be defined in number of ways. However it can have a pretty simple definition which makes work easy both for the organization and the customers. Quality service or product can be defined as that particular service or product which is in accordance with the demand of customer and fulfils the conformance level. In past a small â€Å"q† was used in the field of marketing and organizations. This did not cover all the aspects of organizational structure. With small â€Å"q† in practice, the onus of productivity and responsibility was largely emphasized on

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Gattaca Oral Presentation Draft Essay Example for Free

Gattaca Oral Presentation Draft Essay From the day Vincent was born, he had always been concidered as highly flawed, and as an invalid. His parents were planning on carrying on the family name with their first born child by calling Vincent, Anton, after his father, Antonio. However, once finding out that Vincent was prone to illness such as neurological disorder, manic depression, attention deficit disorder, heart failure, and was expected to live for only 30.2 years, Vincents father felt that he wasnt worthy of the family name, and decided to call him Vincent Anton instead. Mother and Father, Maria and Antonio had a second child, who Antonio felt was worthy of the family name, because unlike Vincent who was conceived the natural way, Anton was born through genetic engineering. As the two boys grew up, Anton was always considered superior to Vincent as he was always upstaging him at everything they did. Until one day, when the two boys played a game of chicken. Like usual, Anton was expecting Vincent to turn around and swim back to shore. However, no matter how much effort he put into trying to beat his brother, Anton and Vincent were neck and neck the whole swim. Anton was confused at how Vincent still had the energy to swim, and finally Anton wasnt able to go on any longer and he gave up. Passing out and starting to drown, Vincent saved his brothers life. For the first time in their lives, Vincent was better than Anton at something. Even though everybody believed that he wasnt good enough to acheive his goals, Vincent now believed that he could achieve anything that he set his mind to. Vincent decided to run away from home and he got a job as a janitor at Gattaca. This was his first glimpse of Gattaca, and he liked what he saw. Vincent met Jerome (Aka Eugene), a depressed and alcoholic Gattaca valid who was hit by a car, which left him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Nobody that was apart of the Gattaca institite knew that Eugene was in a wheelchair, which saw an opportunity for Vincent. Eugene decided that his life was concidered over because he was crippled, and he felt that even though his dream of becoming a gold medal swimmer would never come true, he would attempt helping Vincents dream of travelling into space to come true, so he gave a makeover and his next-to-perfect vailid identidy to Vincent. Eugene would shed and collect his own dead skin particles, loose hair, urine and blood and would store them away for Vincent to pass off as his own and each day, Vincent would remove any loose skin and hair that was at risk of somebody finding and tracing it back to him. After being accepted into Gattaca, Vincent was going to be apart of the once in a lifetime space launch to Saturns largest moon, Titan. However, one of the directors was trying to stop the space launch from happening, resulting in his murder. Coincedentally, one of Vincents invalid eyelashes was found at the crime scene which started a search for him because everybody thought that he was the murderer, when infact, he wasnt. Although everybody knew what Vincents invalid self looked like, nobody suspected the valid Vincent (Aka Jerome) to be the murderer because he no longer looked like his old self. Nobody suspected Vincent to be imitating Jerome except for Vincents brother Anton, who was working as a Gattca detective. It took a while for Anton to confirm his suspicion, but he did in the end, although didnt turn his brother in for fraud. Once arriving to Gattaca on the day of the Titan space launch, there was an unexpected urine sample test. Vincent took the urine test and it came up with a photo of his invalid self. However, the Gattaca doctor felt somewhat connected to Vincent because his son was also classed as an invalid and had health problems just like Vincent did. The doctor then revelied that he had known the whole time and turned his invalid into a valid and therefore, Vincent was able to continue on his space mission. In the end scene, we see Eugene sitting in his boiler and Vincent sitting in the rocket capsule. The rocket launching and the boiler lighting fire happen at syncrinized times. Eugene commited suicide and Vincents dreams had come true. Not only was he going to space, but he had also fallen in love with a co-worker, Irene, who would be eagerly waiting for his return to earth.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Transcendence in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping Essay -- Robinson H

Transcendence in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping William H. Burke suggests that transience in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping is a type of pilgrimage, and that â€Å"the rigors and self-denials of the transient life are necessary spiritual conditioning for the valued crossing from the experience of a world of loss and fragmentation to the perception of a world that is whole and complete† (717). The world of reality in Housekeeping is one â€Å"fragmented, isolated, and arbitrary as glimpses one has at night through lighted windows† (Robinson 50). Many of the characters that precede Ruth in the narrative rebel against something in this world that is not right. Edmund Foster, her grandfather, escapes by train to the Midwest and his house is â€Å"no more a human stronghold than a grave† (3). His daughters, Molly, Sylvie, and Helen, all abandon their home and their mother; Helen, in fact, makes the greatest â€Å"leap† away from the world into death when she cannot effectively deal with the expecta tions placed on her to â€Å"set up housekeeping in Seattle† with husband and children (14). Ruth takes up a transient life with her mentor and aunt, Sylvie, to escape from history and the past into a new life, a new awareness. Crucial to this spiritual awakening is the abandonment and the isolation of the self. Transience is Ruth’s escape from the impermanent illusory world, a world that rejects one of the tenets of transience, that â€Å"the perimeters of our wanderings are nowhere† , in favor of fixity and stasis (218). She acknowledges the world’s illusory nature when she admits that she has â€Å"never distinguished readily between thinking and dreaming†, and that â€Å"Everything that falls upon the eye is apparition, a sheet dropped over the world’s true workings... ...orld (219). Works Cited Burke, William H. â€Å"Border Crossinsgs in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping.† Modern Fiction Studies. 37 (Winter 1991): 716-724. Mallon, Anne-Marie. â€Å"Sojourning Women: Homelessness and Transcendence in Housekeepking.† Critique 30 (Winter 1989): 95-105. Miller, Heather. Grace Through Isolation in Herland, Housekeeping, and Ellen Foster. Masters Thesis. University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg. December 1991. Ross, Dianne Lillian. The Circle in the Waters: Unity and Visions of Regeneration and Immortality in Housekeeping, To the Lighthouse, and Surfacing. Masters Thesis. UVA May 1986 Schuler, Carol. Crossing the Boundaries with M/Other: Beyond Dualism into the Dream of a World made Whole in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping. Masters Thesis. California State University, Stanislaus. May 1994.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Michelangelo: Sistine Chapel

Michelangelo: The Sistine Chapel The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican City. It is one of the most famous and memorable pieces of art in the history of art. This beautiful piece of art history took a little over four years to complete. He started this project in July of 1508 and finished in October of 1512. Pope Julius II had requested Michelangelo paint the ceiling in the chapel. The Pope was strong-minded that Rome should be renovated to show its prior exaltation.He was on a mission to show this by painting the ceiling of the chapel and he wanted the very best painter complete it, which he believed to be Michelangelo. Julius II assumed that if he had the ceiling painted that it would glorify his name and he would become more popular with the people under him. Pope Julius II wanted to make sure that every job he did for the Vatican City was more impressive than Pope Alexander VI, which was Julius’s rival. The ceiling to this day is 131 feet lon g by 43 feet wide which means that Michelangelo painted roughly 5,000 square feet of the ceiling.There were questions such as why was Michelangelo painting when he was a sculptor and the answer was that the Pope believed he would be the best for the job, even though that Michelangelo had only painted one other painting in his career because he worked mostly with sculptures. The start to this painting was slow simply because Angelo had never painted frescoes before. Angelo had to learn many new techniques for this painting but once he understood what he was doing his pace of painting sped up quite a bit. (Esaak. Many questions were asked about the painting and about Michelangelo while the painting was going on and many, many years afterwards. There are still questions going on to this day. One questions asked was why it took four years to paint the ceiling and there were many various reasons as to why this was. There were many setbacks such as mold, which made the painter and some of the others in the building during this time sick, and glum, wet weather often because of the frequent rain that prevented the plaster and molding to dry and stick together.During the time period of the painting Pope Julius II went off to war, and became close to death at one time. (Katz. ) This prevented Michelangelo from getting paid and furthering the painting because, although the entire project and design was his, Angelo did not want to make any decisions without the conformation from Julius. Angelo created this whole design himself, but he did need assistants when it came to completing the project. His assistants did things such as mix paints, rush up and down the ladders, and prepare the plaster he needed for his project.Angelo trusted very few to let him ever paint the ceiling. There were rare incidents that allowed him to trust someone enough to work on the sky or landscape parts, but they never did more than that. Most people always wondered if he completed the ceiling all by himself and questioned if that was a reason the painting took so long to accomplish. One question that also struck the audience was if Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel lying on his back, as most rumors would tell. The answer to this question was no, he did not.There was a movie made which reenacted the painting of the chapel, and the actor in that movie did lie on his back to create a more dramatic effect of how challenging the painting was. Angelo actually assembled a scaffolding system, which is a temporary structure for holding workers and materials during the production or decoration of a building mostly used by painters. The one he created himself was sturdy enough o hold himself, workers, and materials needed to complete his project but was higher up because there was always a chance it couldn’t hold the weight up. Katz) There were many rumors going around that Angelo had a few misfortunes when it came to his health during the duration of the painting. He had to bend over backwards to paint the ceiling and paint over his head, which was quite a weird, uncomfortable position to be in for the long period of time he was there. This type of position could cause neck and back aches permanently, and cause a burning in ones arms that would not help the pain. Angelo also claimed that this permanently ruined his vision, which led to rumors of him being blind.Andrew Graham-Dixon, who was the chief art critic for London’s Sunday Telegraph said, â€Å"He (Angelo) was working on the largest multi-figure compositions of the entire ceiling when the actual fresco plaster itself became infected by a kind of lime mold, which is like a great bloom of fungus, so he had to chip the whole thing back to zero and start again. Eventually he sped up. He got better. † The audience’s today question how someone could start off so badly on a project like this, and complete something as magnificent and beautiful as this when they had never painte d before, and it end up the way it did and become so popular and famous?Some people say that most artists are born with talent and started whatever they’re good at well; Angelo was good at sculpting, not painting. He had only completed one other painting and the rest of his artwork was sculptures. Graham-Dixon asked a very inquisitive question that went into great detail of the painting. Andrew asks, â€Å"Yet I found myself wondering, why did Michelangelo have God create Adam with a finger? † (Katz. ) This is a type of question that digs further than the questions the general audience would ask simply because he understands art and tries to reveal true meanings behind his findings.Graham-Dixon wrote a book, which this previous question was asked in, and he also states: â€Å"In other representations, for example, if you look at Ghiberti’s doors in Florence, God raises up Adam with a gesture of his hand. And as I turned over various ideas and theories, I began to see it as the creation of the education of Adam, because that’s the symbolism of the finger. God writes on us with his finger, in certain traditions of theology. In the Jewish tradition, that’s how he writes the tablets of the Ten Commandments for Moses—he sort of lasers them with his finger.The finger is the conduit through which God’s intelligence, his ideas and his morality seep into Man. And if you look at that painting very closely, you see that God isn’t actually looking at Adam, he’s looking at his own finger, as if to channel his own instructions and thoughts through that finger. † Statements and questions like this in the book take up many debates and myths about the Sistine Chapel, like the rumor about Angelo lying on his back to complete the painting when really it was just portrayed that was because of a movie.Another stimulating testimony made in Andrew Graham-Dixon’s book, Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel, wa s a short exert from a poem Angelo wrote to his friend trying to be amusing saying, â€Å"My beard toward Heaven, I feel the back of my brain upon my neck. My loins have penetrated to my paunch†¦I’m not in a good place, and I’m no painter. † The obvious idea of the ceiling is the principle of humanity's need for Salvation as offered by God through Jesus. This is a visual representation of the need for a strong relationship with God.When studied by professional researchers and scientists, the picture unravels more interesting details than most would imagine. The entire sections of the painting tell the story from nine scenes that came out of the Book of Genesis. (Sistine) The visual effects of this project portray the idea the God created a perfect world then placed the humankind as part of this perfect world but humanity couldn’t handle it and they completed actions that deserved punishments as bad as death and separation from God.The painting goes o n to show the deeper troubles that humanity dug themselves into, and the punishments they endured to show they were becoming a disgrace. It goes on to show God sent their savior, Jesus, to better the world and rid them on their sins. Although most of the painting is linked back to the early church beliefs, the ceiling also has components that express the exact Renaissance thinking that required reconciling Christian theology with the belief of Humanism of the Renaissance. (Sistine. ) Angelo was an odd individual in his younger years.At the age of 17 he began dissecting corpses from the church graveyard. There were reasons to believe that Angelo had secret messages in the painting he completed for Pope Julius II. This was followed by the evidences that Angelo was also a anatomist and not just an artist. Angelo tried to hide this detail about him by destroying almost all of his anatomical drawings and notes. After many years of study with the evidence Angelo did not get a change to de stroy, scientists discovered that his drawings and notes were hidden in the painting of the Sistine Chapel.In the panel of God Creating Adam was a clearly and easily seen visual of the human brain in the cross section. (Fields. ) Scientists guess that Michelangelo surrounded God with a veil representing the human brain to suggest that God was giving Adam not only life, but also supreme human intelligence. (Fields. ) In the panel The Separation of Light from Darkness there is more evidence of Angelo having anatomical visuals in his painting. Leading up to God’s chest and developing though his throat, there is a clear depiction of a human spinal cord and brain stem that researchers and scientists have discovered.Some people have come to the understanding or belief that these hidden discoveries are just homage to God. (Fields. ) The lighting in the neck of God in one panel showing the clear visual of the brain is questioned because scientists do not understand how one can commit the clumsy act of highlighting the secrets he was trying to keep hidden. There is more that researchers have not discovered yet, but there will be more studying of the painting until what scientists believes to be everything hidden by Angelo is uncovered.Once the Sistine Chapel was completed Pope Julius II celebrated, and shortly after a few years later he passed away. After his passing, Michelangelo was asked to paint the wall behind the alter; he accepted this request and title this piece of art The Last Judgment. (Last Judgment. ) He started the project in 1536 and finally finished it in 1541. The picture comes out from the center of Christ, and Michelangelo had decided to show the many different saints included in the work holding the instruments of their martyrdom instead of the actual scenes of torture.Once Michelangelo completed this painting, the new Pope, Pope Paul III, had officially decided that since these paintings were in House of God that the naked people had to be c overed with some type of veils, loincloths, or any type of cloth as long as they were not being exposed to the public in this House of God. (Last Judgment. ) Angelo had been given an artistic license too not only portray images from the Bible in his paintings, but also in mythology. The genitalia in the fresco was covered in 1564 when Michelangelo passed about by the mannerist artist Daniele da Volterra, when the Council of Trent condemned nudity in religious art.Some artists have become famous just by using techniques used by Michelangelo and inspire such artists to try to achieve a greatness he has accomplished, and is undertaking today still even though he isn’t around anymore. Works Cited Esaak, Shelley. â€Å"Michelangelo – The Sistine Chapel Ceiling. † About. com Art History. N. p. , n. d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. Fields, Douglas R. â€Å"Michelangelo Secret Message in the Sistine Chapel: A Juxtaposition of God and the Human Brain | Guest Blog, Scientific Amer ican Blog Network. Michelangelo Secret Message in the Sistine Chapel: A Juxtaposition of God and the Human Brain. N. p. , 27 May 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Katz, Jamie. â€Å"Smithsonian. com. † Smithsonian Magazine. N. p. , 10 Apr. 2009. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. â€Å"The Last Judgement. Images of a Masterpiece. † Last Judgement, Michelangelo's Sistine Masterpiece. N. p. , n. d. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. â€Å"The Last Judgment (Michelangelo). † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. â€Å"Sistine Chapel Ceiling. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Flea By John Donne - 997 Words

â€Å"The Flea†, by John Donne is a raunchy romantic poem that explains the speakers unyielding love that is represented by an insect. Using the insect to seduce his beloved after they both get bitten by the insect. As the speaker seduces his beloved, he involves her beliefs and values, intending to get his way with her no matter what it takes. But she doesn’t give in to his manipulation. As you read more deeply into the poem, we can also see the larger and symbolic meanings of this poem. For example the flea, sex, marriage, and religion. The flea is the main focus on of this poem, It’s size is considered small but it is large on the inside because it symbolizes their â€Å"marriage†. Since both of their bloods have been mingled, making the speaker seem desperate for her and continues to find a way to convince her. The audience will also get a sense the speaker’s character throughout the poem, he is confident, clever, charming, considerate, frustrated, and whiny. Sex is the main focus for the speaker. In line seven, Donne writes, â€Å" Yet this enjoys before it woo†, the flea is actually enjoying sucking her blood because that’s what flea’s do. All the speaker wants is to enjoy himself with her as much as the flea does when he sucks her blood. The speaker is very unreliable when it comes to love because that’s not what he’s looking for. If he was then he wouldn’t try to involve his beloved in premarital sex. He tries to convince her that she wouldn’t be committing a sinful act, andShow MoreRelatedThe Flea By John Donne883 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Donne was a contemporary of Shakespeare. His writing career occurred during the Renaissance. Poems about seduction were common during this era. The Flea by John Donne was a poem about a man urging his love interest into a sexual union with him by way of reason. In this time, premarital sex was considered a great sin and could get someone in a lot of trouble. The flea in this poem was used as a symbol of love and romance. A flea was one of the things that would least likely be used to describeRead MoreThe Flea By John Donne1558 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Flea† Essay â€Å"The Flea† by John Donne when looked at briefly is simply a poem about a man trying to seduce a woman into participating in pre-material sexual relationship with him. However, â€Å"The Flea† constructs many more important arguments than simply that one. The poem touches on religion, love, and sex in a non-romanticized way, contrasting the normal glamorized stance seen in most of poetry. Most of John Donne’s poems have either romantic themes or religious themes; â€Å"The Flea† has both. ItRead MoreThe Flea By John Donne1314 Words   |  6 Pagescliches about love such as, cheeks like roses or, hearts pierced by the arrows of love.. John Donne, a well known poet of that time period writes many poems about love, but none using all those tired, worn out cliches. Donne brings his poems to life using vivid imagery and elaborately sustained metaphors known as conceits. (The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. B 1260). In Donne s poem The Flea the reader gets to see more of a funny and amusing love poem, while his poem A Valediction:Read MoreThe Flea By John Donne Essay1497 Words   |  6 Pagesthe poem. The author John Donne has written many poems that could be interpreted in many ways, and are analyzed by many people in the United States and around the world. John Donne’s â€Å"The Flea†is a good example of a poem that can be analyzed for its physical and intellectual parts, and how they work together to make the poem what it is because it is descriptive, and can be interpreted in many ways. First, it is important to look at the physical parts of a poem. Donne’s â€Å"The Flea†is comprised of threeRead MoreThe Flea By John Donne1354 Words   |  6 Pagesmost notably that of intimacy. In John Donne’s poem â€Å"The Flea,† extended metaphor is used to explain that the act of intimacy does not matter whether it is performed before or after marriage. Also, explicit imagery is noticeable through the poem and outlines the underlying taboo topic being discussed. Another important detail, the flea within the poem is not only used as a comparison in the extended metaphor, but also as a symbol of innocence. In â€Å"The Flea,† Donne plainly spites the acceptance ofRead MoreThe Flea By John Donne Essay923 Words   |  4 Pagesimpression of â€Å"The Flea,† one does not expect an erotic love story. The title suggests a tiny insect may be the main focus of the poem, but this assumption proves to be incorrect. Using intense metaphors, ima gery, symbolism, and alliteration to perform his argument, the speaker is attempting to woo a lady in a rather repulsive romantic comedy approach. Throughout the couplets, the flea is personified and becomes symbolic of a much greater meaning. Although John Donne’s â€Å"The Flea† obviously discussesRead MoreEssay on The Flea by John Donne2357 Words   |  10 PagesThe Flea by John Donne â€Å"The Flea†, a witty poem of seduction and conceit, taken from John Donne’s â€Å"Songs and Sonets† is the poem that I have chosen to compare to â€Å"Song†, another poem of John Donne’s where he is passionately pleading with his wife not to be disheartened about his departure abroad. Both poems which belong to â€Å" Songs and Sonets†, written around the time of the 16th century, show that their title suggests they are both short poems, following the traditional form of a sonnetRead MoreThe Flea by John Donne Essay1059 Words   |  5 PagesThe Flea by John Donne In the poem The Flea, by John Donne, the speaker uses a peculiar analogy in order to persuade his beloved to engage in premarital intercourse with him. The poem is composed of three stanzas that tell a story in chronological order about a flea that has sucked the blood of the two subjects. It tells the reader how the speaker attempts to persuade his beloved not to kill the flea because it is their marriage bed and then tells of how the womanRead MoreThe Flea By John Donne And Easter Wings1412 Words   |  6 PagesIn the poems, â€Å"The Flea† by John Donne and â€Å"Easter Wings† by George Herbert use the literary device of a metaphor to convey the meaning of the poems. The use of metaphor by these two authors are essential to the themes of the poems. Metaphors are used to compare two different subjects to explain the poem. The metaphors in these poems draw from the central themes to help the reader understand the deeper meaning of the poem. â€Å"The Flea† uses the metaphor of the flea to explain the relationship of theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Flea By John Donne1033 Words   |  5 Pagesnoticeable influence. For example, in the poem, â€Å"The Flea†, by John Donne, initially it referred to a flea biting the speaker but as the reader proceeds further the perspective changes from this flea into the larger picture, which is a humorous little debate whether the speaker and his beloved will partake in premarital sex or not. Donne chose to word the poem in a format very similar to Frost’s definition of poetry. Donne begins using the flea as an analogy and this translates into the persuasive